Saturday, January 3, 2009

Gen Y Employment in 2009

So. Born after 1975? In the corporate world? Think you’re really good at your job, and therefore won’t lose it in the recession?

Forget it. Chances are you are regarded as an expendable liability. You are likely to be one of the huge number of Generation Y individuals who have annoyed superiors, rorted perks, stolen office products, misrepresented your qualifications, lied on your cv, pulled sickies to go to the beach or snowboarding, or spent much of your day in the office surfing the net looking for a better paying job, just so you can do this all again. With more money.

You are in for a hell of a fright. All the behaviour you have exhibited over the years has been noted. By people older, who earn more, and went through the 89-92 recession. They know what it is to look after their position. Many know what it was like to be shown the door, and then wonder where the hell the next door was, as most were closed for business.

And during the golden years, they have had to watch whilst deadlines, behaviour and time keeping were regarded as ‘old and fuddy duddy’, you did whatever it was you felt like with a minimum of effort, and under the archaic employment laws applicable, could do very, very little about it. They just grinned and sucked it up.

Their time has come. They are awaiting the moment when they can sit you down, and give you the great news. Got a job where work starts at 8.30, but you arrive 8.45 because traffic was bad, or the kids played up, or you just slept in? Spent endless hours in coffee shops talking garbage with other people, then when asked to do a project said you didn’t have time? Out at bars and pubs, big noting yourself to anyone with a functioning ear? Made a real fool of yourself at the office Christmas party?

Bye bye.

Here’s the key point: with relatively few years under your belts, you’ll be cheap to get rid of. And that, friends, is what makes it extra sweet for management.

They’ll be laughing.

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