Monday, February 2, 2009

Subtitles not necessary

On Friday night I watched the Liam Neeson film 'Taken' on my Apple TV. That's not an attempt to show off, but those who have ATV will know that when you play movies with many languages on it (in this case English, French and Albanian), subtitles that normally pop up in the non English speaking parts don't.

I just knew they were all bad guys and would eventually be shot / stabbed / dunked in acid / flayed alive / disembowelled / electrocuted / dropped from 17 story building /or just given a rather stern talking to.

The point is, it didn't matter that I didn't know exactly what they were saying - regardless of what was said, I knew they would be bad people, and it would end badly for them.

It's not difficult (que spurious link to financial markets) to take the same approach to the markets. There is so much being said out there in TV land that is just plain wrong. Take Australia, a country I have lived in and experienced for quite a few years. Media commentators have continued to deny there will be a recession. This in spite of the fact that world sharemarkets are off around 40 - 50%, and commodity prices, of which Australia is so reliant on, have basically halved. At least.

The point is we don't need commentators, media types (like, er, bloggers) and general pundits spouting fiction. We can all feel it inside. We (should) all know dark times are on the way - and have not really hit us yet.

Subtitles just aren't necessary.

Here's a funny video:

Jon Stewart - The Daily Show

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